+356 2733 1527
Opening Hours
Mon Tue Thr: 09:00-17:30
Wed Fri: 09:00-15:00
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Private Writings

We are able to draft and witness any sort of private agreement which does not fit in with any of the other standard contracts. Examples include profit sharing agreements, partnership agreements including civil partnerships, betrothal agreements and any kind of business agreements.

Our Service & Commitment at James Grech & Associates – Notaries Public:

  • Assistance in the drawing up of concise and clear private writings for a multitude of purposes
  • Acting as witnesses on private writings to minimise future litigation

Contact us for more information or to make an appointment in relation to any private writing.

Are you looking for our advice?

Let us assist! Call now on +356 2733 1527
·  Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00
Key Area Professional
